Wheat Science Program

wheat bread

Wheat Science

Price: $4.00 per kit

(each kit serves three students)

Target Grade Level: 4th

Availability: Two separate sessions in January

Standards: KCCRS Social Studies; Economics & MW Region content Math; 4.MD.2

Extension Office Provides: One bread kit per 3 students, bread Instructions, online resources, and other educational materials as requested.

Teacher Provides: Water, oil, measuring utensils, and an oven to bake the bread.

This is the perfect program for Kansas Day! Over two weeks, students will explore the importance of Kansas wheat, the principles of baking, yeast development, and good nutrition.

Teacher Resources

Bread Making Direction for the Classroom (word)


Classroom Bread Recipe

Wheat Fact Bookmarks

6 Classes of Wheat

Whole Enriched Grains

Grain Elevator Math(estimating)

Wheat Kernal Kids

Wheat Kids Connection Magazine


Teaching Kids About Wheat


Kansas Wheat (kswheat.com)

Wheat People (kshs.org)

The Wheat Foods Council (wheatfoods.org)

The Peterson Farm Bros.

Youtube Video

Cooking With Kids Inc., How to Knead Dough

The Peterson Farm Bros.

Meet Me at the Flour Mill~Shellenberger Hall at K-State

DVDs Available Upon Request

Wheat-From Field to Table (approx. 15 min.)

History Made Every Day--Bread (approx. 50 min.)

Books Available Upon Request

Celebrate Wheat by Dan Yunk

Wheat People, Celebrating Kansas Harvest by the Kansas State Historical Society

Contact the Extension Office at 785-232-0062