fractionpowerFraction Power

Fraction Power: Layered Cookie Mix

Grade: 2nd-4th

Cost: $5.00 per kit (each kit serves 4 students)

Dates: October, December, February, and April

Standard: KCCRS Math: 3.MD.3; 4.MD.2; 4.NF.3; 3.NF.1; 3.OA.8; 2.OA.1

Program Includes: All the materials to make the cookie mix, handouts, and curriculum material

The teacher provides: Volunteers to help with the assembly of the mix.

This program will be delivered to your school office and loaned out for 3 weeks. Youth will make a layered dry oatmeal chocolate chip cookie mix. They will use their math skills to measure out the ingredients for the mix.

Fraction Power Materials

Fraction Power Procedural Steps

Cookie Mix Recipe

Fractions in Everyday Life