Demonstration Vegetable and Community Garden

The Demonstration Vegetable and Community Garden is now located on the west side of the CRC CARE Center @ Stout, 2303 SW College Ave. Originally established in 1994, Master Gardeners grow vegetables, herbs, and flowers in this garden. Produce is donated to non-profit organizations. Demonstrations are offered every Saturday, April through October, 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. These demonstrations are free to the public and no registration is needed!

Demonstration Vegetable and Community Garden Fact Sheet

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Have questions? The Response Line is staffed by trained Extension Master Gardeners who will assist you with your tree, lawn and garden questions.

Phone: 785-232-0062
ext. 105 or 106
Response Line Hours:
Open April through September
Monday through Friday
1 p.m. to 5 p.m.