
Many small ponds are scattered across Shawnee County, and questions about ponds are a favorite topic area! In addition to the following resources below, check out the Fins, Furs, and Feathers podcast by K-State Specialists Dr. Drew Ricketts and Dr. Joe Gerken to learn more about the science behind ponds and the creatures that live in them!


Fins, Furs, and Feathers Podcast




Aquatic Weed Control

  • K-State Extension Wildlife Management Aquatic Weeds webpage
  • Aquatic Plants and Their Control
    • Note: The booklet shares, "This publication contains pesticide recommendations that are subject to change at any time. These recommendations are provided only as a guide. It is always the pesticide applicator’s responsibility, by law, to read and follow all current label directions for the specific pesticide being used. Due to constantly changing labels and product registration, some of the recommendations given in this publication may no longer be legal by the time you read them. If any information in these recommendations disagrees with the label, the recommendation must be disregarded. No endorsement is intended for products mentioned, nor is criticism meant for products not mentioned."


Pond Visits and Pond Management Help

  • Reach out to the Ag Agent to coordinate receiving a free pond visit and specialized help from Dr. Joe Gerken, K-State Research and Extension Aquatic Fisheries Specialist. Visits are dependent upon availability of the specialist.


Abigail Gettinger, Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension Agent |785-232-0062, ext. 108|